
Dialog presents a dialog box or modal.


Basic usage

Non-modal dialogs allow users to interact with other sections of the page while the dialog is open, by hiding the backdrop. Use 'modal' or 'non-modal' to open the form in your desired mode. Pass false to close the dialog.

<script> import { Dialog } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/dialog'; /** @type {false | 'modal' | 'non-modal'} */ let open; </script> <Dialog bind:open> Nice to meet you <button on:click={() => open = false}>👋 Bye!</button> </Dialog> <button on:click={() => open = 'modal'}>Show</button> <button on:click={() => open = 'non-modal'}>Show modal</button>

Directional container

Add the .br-dialog-inline-section class to presentational section to layout the content in the inline direction (left to right) and .br-dialog-block-section to layout the content in the block direction. The block container adds a scrollbar when the content overflows the container.

<script> import { Dialog } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/dialog'; /** @type {false | 'modal'} */ let open; /** @type {string[]} */ let paragraphs = []; const url = 'https://baconipsum.com/api/?type=all-meat&paras=4'; (async () => { paragraphs = await fetch(url) .then((response) => response.json()); })(); </script> <Dialog bind:open> <article> <header class="br-dialog-inline-section"> <h3>Dialog title</h3> </header> <section class="br-dialog-block-section"> {#each paragraphs as paragraph} <p>{paragraph}</p> {/each} </section> <footer class="br-dialog-inline-section"> <button on:click={() => open = false}> Cancel </button> <button class='br-button-primary' on:click={() => open = false}> Lorem </button> </footer> </article> </Dialog> <button on:click={() => open = 'modal'}>Show modal</button> <style> article { height: 100%; min-height: 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 8px; } </style>